About Thai Massage
Over 2500 years ago the founder of Thai Massage, Father Doctor Shivagomarpaj, brought Ayurvedic medicine to Thailand from India. Thai Massage is a combination of Ayerveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was taught in the Thai Buddhist temples called Wats, where it was practiced by the monks as an active form of meditation.
The goal of Thai Massage is to balance the flow of energy through the body. This is achieved by moving the limbs and torso to the end range of motion and then applying gentle rocking pressure along the Sen lines (rivers of energy.)
Deep-tissue work, in combination with Thai Massage enables much more flexibility within your body. This complements the energy balancing benefits of Thai Massage. Thai Massage benefits all systems in the body including lymphatic, nervous, digestive and respiratory.
The goal of Thai Massage is to balance the flow of energy through the body. This is achieved by moving the limbs and torso to the end range of motion and then applying gentle rocking pressure along the Sen lines (rivers of energy.)
Deep-tissue work, in combination with Thai Massage enables much more flexibility within your body. This complements the energy balancing benefits of Thai Massage. Thai Massage benefits all systems in the body including lymphatic, nervous, digestive and respiratory.